
How to improve your website traffic

I focused only in Social Bookmarking Sites and Squidoo, and of course on .edu backlinks.

I don´t like much to buy links (I really think it´s worthless most of the times).

I set up a plan: I found out the Web 2.0 sites with the higuest PR (Page Rank) and start to list my sites and blogs in all of them, and at the same time I started to get .edu backlinks.

I spent less than 3 hours a day doing this, (less actually, once I got my "secret" tools that automate the process), and the results were astounding.

You can do it manually by yourself, hire someone to do it (in Guru.com, for example), or buy some software to do it automatically and periodically.

But the most important thing is the list of the sites and the .edu backlinks. I spent one entire month in searching them. I refined my list and separated the sites in 2 lists:

1st class and 2nd class.

By 1st class I mean the Bookmarking sites with the higuest PR and receive more traffic at the same time: (note that PR is not the same thing as Traffic: PR can change by blackhating and it´s not always reliable, but traffic is traffic).

So these 1st class sites will take your sites and blogs indexed by Google in a matter of hours (yes, hours, not days), simply because these ones have the highest PR and the highest traffic.

By 2nd class I mean the Bookmarking sites that have a high PR, but not as much traffic.

So the plan is simply: just list your sites, blogs and squidoo lenses in each one of these sites, starting by the 1st class ones first, and get as much .edu backlinks as you can.

Here it is, no more no less...

I repeat it again: You have to list your sites/blogs/squidoo lenses in these sites and start to get .edu backlinks at the same time.

So the first thing you need is THE LIST. Very few people have this list, (though today one of my buddies have made it public in his site).

But today I am feeling generous , so I´m gonna let you steal this valuable list...

Here it is:

1st class - Social Bookmark Sites
In PR (Page Rank) Order

Update for Page Rank - Feb. 2007
Update for Traffic stats - March 2007

These are the 1st class Social Bookmarking Sites.

These sites get the most traffic with the higuer PR, so getting your site/blog/lense listed in here can bring you massive traffic (sometimes within the hour).

If you want your site/blog/lense indexed FAST then start listing it in these sites starting from the top with the highest PR sites first. Start to get .edu backlinks also.

A link from a PR6, 7, 8 or 9 site will generally get your site spidered within one to a few hours.

These are non-reciprocal, one way links, so they are the best links to get and sites like Google love links from these sites.

And the best of all, it's FREE!

PR 9

- Slashdot

PR 8

- del.icio.us
- Digg
- Furl
- Flickr
- Technorati
- Youtube

PR 7

- Simpy
- Yahoo My Web 2.0 Beta

PR 6

- Listible

Note: If you can afford to invest (note that I say invest, not spend) a few dollars... I will come back to this thread to list my secret weapons to automate the process.

2nd class - Social Bookmark Sites

In PR (Page Rank) Order
PR 9

- BlogLines

PR 8

- 34Things
- Fark

PR 7

- Backflip
- BlogMarks
- BlogPulse
- clipfire
- Connotea
- IceRocket
- Kinja
- LibraryThing
- Linux Bookmarks
- Ma.gnolia
- Netvouz
- Newsvine
- popurls
- Reddit
- Rojo
- Rollyo
- Shadows
- Spurl
- Start
- StumbleUpon
- TailRank

PR 6

- beanrocket
- BibSonomy
- BlinkBits
- BlinkList
- BlogHop
- Blue
- Clipmarks
- commontimes
- de.lirio.us
- diigo
- Feedmarker
- Filangy
- Gibeo
- GiveALink
- Hot Links
- Jots
- Kaboodle
- linkaGoGo
- linkfilter
- Listible
- Mecanbe
- MyProgs
- NowPublic
- RawSugar
- Reader2
- Rrove
- Scuttle
- Segnalo
- Shoutwire
- Squidoo
- Tagsy
- unalog
- Wazima
- Web Feeds
- Wists
- World Wide Wisdom
- wurldBook
- Yoono
- Zaadz

PR 5

- 30daytags
- Aboogy
- BookmarkSync
- BlogMemes
- BookmarkTracker
- BuddyMarks
- butterfly
- complore
- Connectedy
- dinnerbuzz
- Dog Ear
- Favoor
- FeedMeLinks
- H2O Playlist
- Hyperlinkomatic
- IndiaGram
- Indiamarks
- leze.de
- linkroll
- ListMixer
- Lookmarks
- Maple
- memestreams
- Millions Of Games
- O Y A X
- PeerMark
- Save Your Links
- SiteJot
- Smarking
- Start Aid
- Sync2It's BookmarkSync
- TagTooga
- uLinkx
- URLBlaze
- Watvindenwijover
- Yummy! Social PDF Library
- Zurpy

PR 4

- AllMyFavorites
- Bookkit
- Bookmark Manager
- BlogLot
- browsr
- Chipmark
- clipclip
- GetBoo
- GoKoDo
- GoobToob
- i89.us
- Lilisto
- MotorKen
- Network Menus
- Tab Marks
- taghop
- Textnotes.de
- URLex

Ok, that´s all...

Concentrate on getting links from the 1st class Bookmarking sites with the highest PR sites first.

Start to get .edu backlinks to your site at the same time. (these 2 things combined will bring you a big jump and longlast results).

This will ensure that your sites/blogs/lenses get maximum exposure as soon as possible, and will boost your chances of flooding your sites with highly targeted traffic (and your bank account with lots of MONEY...

Get listed, get .edu backlinks and repeat... That´s all.

But you have to implement the plan, only by reading this post and doing nothing won´t bring you any results...

Source : money-for-blogger.blogspot.com

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